dimanche, août 1
Youtube Video
YouTube has been one of the most popular website to view all kind of videos posted by people around the world. Just enter the YouTube website and you can search virtually any kind of videos on the subject you like.
With embedded HTML code and video streaming technology, you are able to watch videos directly from your browser. You are also able to post text comment or a video response to the videos, view other related videos and upload your own video as well. With lots of features given, unfortunately there is one feature that YouTube does not provide and that is to let you download the video.
But here is a trick to let you download and save the video for offline viewing.
1. Go to any YouTube video you are watching. Right click on page and select the "View Source" option from the menu. Or "View Page Source" for FireFox browser.
2. Press "CTRL + F" to search for a word "player2.swf". And notice there is a HTML line like this:
3. Replace the "/player2.swf" to "http://www.youtube.com/get_video" and it will become:
4. Paste it to the "Address Bar" at top of your browser and press "Enter". Then it will prompt you to save the video. REMEMBER to name your video with the ".flv" extension at the end of the filename. A correct example would be something like "myvideo.flv".
Keep in mind that the video you have saved just now is in Flash Video Format. It is the standard file format YouTube use to play video on their website. So, your Windows Media Player might not able to play the video. But no worry, what you need to do is just go to google.com and search for "flv player" and there are couples of Free player available. Just download and install it on your computer you will be able to watch the video you saved just now.
OK, now grab the popcorn and enjoy the movie!
Find out how you can retrieve a download link of YouTube video automatically at http://www.kissyoutube.com
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Yew_Reed
pour ceux qui sont engagés dans le marketing
L'avènement de l'Internet a ouvert de nouvelles portes pour ceux qui sont engagés dans le marketing à but non lucratif. Twitter est un outil de réseautage social qui permet aux utilisateurs d'envoyer et de recevoir des messages de 140 caractères ou moins qui utilisent leur ordinateur, téléphone mobile ou PDA. C'est un moyen rapide et pratique pour obtenir des réponses à des questions ou informer les gens curieux sur les événements quotidiens, de nouvelles ou des questions. messages Twitter, ou "tweets" peuvent désormais être envoyés et reçus depuis plus de cinq langues différentes, ce qui en fait un élément important de toute stratégie internet à but non lucratif.
Il n'est pas difficile de voir comment Twitter peut être utilisé efficacement pour la collecte de fonds. De n'importe quel PC ou téléphone mobile organisateurs peuvent atteindre de financement, mise à jour sur les progrès et les adeptes des fonds collectés et informer les donateurs potentiels à savoir comment et où faire un don. Les informations peuvent être mises à jour Twitter et RSS peuvent être liées à une variété d'autres sans but lucratif et les sites de réseautage, tout dans le confort de la maison ou en déplacement.
Alors que Twitter ouvre des possibilités de collecte de fonds nouveaux dans un format pratique, il n'est pas aussi simple que d'informer les adeptes que vous avez besoin de l'argent. Il ya quelques choses qui peuvent augmenter la collecte de fonds succès sur Twitter:
1. Faire un message clair. Il ya un art d'être concis et clair est tout en essayant de convaincre. Le message doit se démarquer, mais ne laissez pas passer outre la créativité de bon sens.
2. Rapport d'activités régulièrement, comme la course totaux don, afin de maintenir l'élan et garder tout le monde heureux de la cause.
3. Régulièrement rapport sur la cause en général. extraits Post brève de réussites ou des nouvelles connexes.
4. Le temps est de l'essence, en particulier dans un monde numérique où les distractions sont abondantes. Les messages doivent être significatives et ne pas perdre du temps. Lorsque la sollicitation de dons, les modes de paiement doit être claire et aussi simple que possible.
5. Le timing est également essentiel. Les gens sont moins susceptibles de donner à certaines périodes de l'année, comme juste après Noël ou pendant le Super Bowl ou un jour férié national.
6. Louez bénévoles, les partenaires et surtout, soutiens financiers. Ce sont vos plus importantes ressources à but non lucratif. Avec la collecte de fonds, il n'y a pas une plus grande satisfaction pour tous les intéressés que de savoir qu'ils font une différence, et elle encourage un effort soutenu de la part de chacun.
8. Retour des mots à l'action. Utiliser Twitter pour laisser adeptes savoir ce que vous êtes l'organisateur pour aider, afin de renforcer la confiance et maintenir sa crédibilité.
9. Gardez une trace de l'OMS à la suite qui, sur Twitter ou autrement, à apprendre quels efforts font la plus grande différence si, et quels domaines peut faire appel à des stratégies différentes.
10. Après la campagne est terminée, occasionnellement à jour les gens sur l'état actuel de la cause en général, et où leurs efforts ont fait une différence. Ce qu'il tient dans les esprits et les nombres premiers pour la prochaine ronde de financement.
Utilisé correctement et avec un peu de jugeote, Twitter offre des possibilités nouvelles et passionnantes dans les médias sociaux pour les organismes sans but lucratif.
naturemadesupplement.com and herbal medicine
Centuries ago different kinds of natural herbs are recognize for having amazing medicinal properties. The reason behind that is that herbal remedies are considered centuries old form of healthcare, but today they are gaining popularity as most effective and safe way to curing modern diseases.
A lot of herbs are proven to cure certain illnesses and are often prepared to become herbal medicines in the form of extracts, teas, oils, ointments and tablets. The advantage of these natural herbal remedies is that they have little or no side effects, therefore are safe for use by almost anyone. Natural herbal remedies has plenty of medicinal benefits which includes the following:
- Controlling blood sugar levels: Garlic, blueberry leaves, Indian Kino, onions, ginkgo biloba, bitter melon and goat's rue are some of the natural herbs that are amazing for their effective control of our blood sugar levels. These natural herbal supplements have the power to increase insulin discharge that will help manage blood sugar levels in the body.
- Allergies: It is possible that the allergy you suffer is as result of dust mites and pollens, and the best way to stop it is with herbs like astralagus, butterbur, or even nettle ephedra. These are natural anti-histamines and already have anti-inflammatory properties and are good sources of anti-oxidants.
- Natural Detoxification: There are herbal medicines that are great in naturally detoxifying the body. These medicines usually contain one of these herbs: Carrot concentrate, Plantgo Psyllium seed, Garlic and Aloe Vera. As a result of these natural herbal remedies, the dirty colon is properly cleansed, which helps digestion and healthy immune systems that functions properly. Digestive disorders like peptic ulcers, indigestion and irritable bowel syndrome can be cured by these herbs.
- Blood Circulation Problems: Herbs like garlic, ginger, ginkgo biloba, hawthorn and capsicum are effective treatments to blood pressure, varicose ulcers, angina and varicose veins. Hawthorn can lower the blood pressure and improves the strength of the heart while garlic can reduce cholesterol levels.
- Obesity and Other Weight Problems: Herbal remedies are also used to treat obesity through weight loss. Natural herbs that are good in weight loss comes in many different classes, like appetite suppressants, diuretic, cathartics and stimulants. Some of the other herbs used are senna, hawthorn, flax seed and burdock root. Losing weight is often the key to improving one's health.
Unlike herbal medicine, prescription and over the counter drugs have side effects that the doctor sometimes may fail to inform the patient about. As a matter of fact, studies have shown that hundreds of thousands of patients die each year because of the side effects associated with some of the Rx medicines. A lot of pharmaceutical medicines have adverse effect that can be dangerous to our body because they are full of toxic properties and unwanted chemicals. This is one of many examples why many physicians are prescribing alternative cure like natural herbal remedies and medications.
Ben Paul is natural herbs enthusiast who have written extensively about healthy vitamins and herbal supplements. If you want to know more about the affects of good vitamins and herbal supplements that most people can't get enough of, => click here to learn more:
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Ben_Paul
Cured with herbal medicine padma 28
Herbal Medicine for a good health?
Padma 28 is a great product for your health:
medicine which combines modern research, therapies of orthodox and complimentary medicine with a holistic view of human nature. The goal is a treatment which is tailored to the individual patient’s needs with very little adverse effects. PADMA Ltd. has always strived to build a bridge between medical systems and cultures. The know-how and experience of the last 40 years where network thinking and action were of particular importance, enable us to achieve a synthesis of modern research and century-old tradition.
PADMA formulae comprise carefully blended dried and milled plant parts. PADMA Inc. refrains from using additives that are not strictly necessary (preservatives, aromas, flavourings, colourants). In this way PADMA Inc. abides by the principle of Tibetan tradition to use only natural ingredients.
Padma is a product that you can easy order online for a good future with a strong health.
Padma is a top product not you have to know to find it. A very healthy product and an amazing found. People that tried padma 28 know that is one of the best products for your health.
There are not so many products like this in the herbal medicine branch.
The raw materials that are used in the PADMA formulas meet the strict quality requirements of the authorities. These are established precisely for each individual plant (e.g. through monographs in the pharmacopoeias). Careful quality control in the PADMA laboratory ensures that only high-grade plant parts are used.
In this connection, particular importance is attached to the purity of the herbal medicine substances used. Residues of pesticides, heavy metals or moulds make them unusable for the manufacturing process.
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Shanghai is a great adventure and one of the most beautiful places in the world. There is no need to talk chinese. A lot of Shanghais native people speak english and are very kind to tourists from all over the world.
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